Gower Wooten Darneille works tirelessly to defend insurance companies. Numerous partners and attorneys within our firm have extensive experience in handling insurance defense cases. We consider ourselves a part of our customers companies and as such, our stance and efforts with our clients and opposition provide our firm with excellent results.
Our insurance company clients provide coverage for thousands of individuals, and businesses throughout countless circumstances and their clients premiums reflect the amount and type of coverage purchased. All too often, claimants demand compensation for damages that are not covered by their policies; sadly, as a result bottom lines of too many insurance companies are greatly affected and overall profit margin suffers.
The insurance litigation lawyers at Gower Wooten Darneille thoroughly understand the laws protecting insurance companies from unwarranted coverage claims.
Often, claims for indemnity are reasonable, clear and payable. However, when claims are made for uncovered damages, our experienced insurance litigation attorneys fight to protect your company. Many times an auto or homeowner’s policy provided overlaps with another policy, our firm will determine which company is liable. If your insurance company is sued, Gower Wooten Darneille can help determine your liability and coverage. Furthermore, if legal defense is needed in an uninsured or underinsured dispute, Gower Wooten Darneille will provide effective and knowledgeable counsel.
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